Please notice the loan periods, and return your books by the due date. 请您注意还书日期,按时还书。
However, we should. notice that many problems exist in the market of housing mortgage loan due to the late development of the service. 但是,我们也必须看到,由于我国住房抵押贷款业务起步较晚,住房抵押市场存在许多的问题:如抵押一级市场规模较小、二级市场发展迟缓;
CBRC notice for those who really lost their ability to repay the loan for the affected populations can be described as solution to their urgent needs. 银监会的通知对于那些真正失去了贷款偿还能力的受灾民众来说,可谓解了他们的燃眉之急。